Tom Maides

Tom Maides - Accu-Spec Inspection Services, PC - Knoxville TN Home Inspector Warning Signs That Your New House Might Be A Money Pit | Certified Move-In Ready Knoxville

Tom Maides
Lead Inspector

Tom has been performing Home Inspections in East Tennessee since 1993. Expert, experienced, unbiased, professional, we follow the technical and ethical standards of the American Society of Home Inspectors (or ASHI) as well as Tennessee State requirements.

As a consultant to attorneys, mortgage & insurance companies, Tom specializes in analyzing building failures in commercial structures, multi-family residential structures, old homes, log structures, modular construction, latent new home defects, and new home building technologies and techniques.  As a student of Building Science, Tom uses his extensive construction knowledge to help provide advice on best performance strategies for energy savings and comfort in buildings to builders and architects.

Tom Maides draws on a combination of formal education, and years of construction, Home Inspection & testing experience.

Qualifications Include:

In addition, Tom served as a municipal building inspector for the City of Sevierville, TN for over 7 years.

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